2013年9月2日 星期一

Great deal of pressure to force executives suicide壓力超大 逼死高管02 September 2013

Great deal of pressure to force executives suicide

02 September 2013

Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)
 Published: 02 September 2013


(Translation version)
Recently, the Swiss have heard obituary, there are two Swiss company executives suspected suicide, first Swisscom, Switzerland's largest phone company's chief executive officer, 49-year-old Carsten Schloter, after that Zurich Insurance's Chief Financial Officer Pierre Wauthier, the latter also subsequent development.

Zurich Insurance chairman Josef Ackermann, even suicidal because of this Pierre Wauthier regarding the resignation with immediate effect. Josef Ackermann said that, Pierre Wauthie family thinks he needs to be held responsible for the tragedy, even if unfounded, to avoid damage to corporate reputation, so decided to resign. Group Chairman, Vice Chairman Tom de Swaan will succeed.

Pierre Wauthier Monday was found dead at home, aged 53 years, police said they were not an indication of a third party involved in the death of Pierre Wauthier, so as suicide. However, the Chairman adhere to subordinates suicide resignation, but more people feel intriguing. Josef Ackermann did not explain the financial details of the charges against the families of prison, and the market will pass Pierre Wauthier left a suicide note. The letter referred to Josef Ackermann order to restore the confidence of investors in the group held a conference call. Media quoted Pierre Wauthier widow, her husband accused President Ackerman constantly pressuring him, asking him to think of ways to make the stock price rise, eventually forcing him to commit suicide.

Events reveal, the Swiss company executives are not that easy to do, just surface is beauty, in fact, many unknown to withstand the pressure. Results Finance Supervisor suicide, resignation of the President, such a high-level changes, so that Zurich Insurance shares fell for several days, a veritable backfire.

Josef Ackermann in office accused of asking too harsh, in fact, took office in March last year, Chief Executive Officer at the beginning, it has been reported that he will provide the company with shocks. Josef Ackermann, who is 65 years old, served as Shell, Siemens, Investor AB and other enterprises directors; previous decade he worked at Deutsche Bank, one of the few experienced a financial crisis still managed to keep their jobs for executives, notoriously demanding.

However, he particular requirement in company was not supported by investors. Because the Group in August just released disappointed results to the market, second-quarter profit fell 18 percent, were worse than other European peers, in the final analysis is the company's over-reliance on the U.S. market operations, while the United States over the past quarter of a natural disaster (such as a tornado ) resulted in increased compensation. In fact, natural disasters are human can not control, so performance should not be unduly linked with the price (but earnings should be linked with the price, hence the price-earnings ratio of the reference value).

There is no doubt that the financial industry is the  large pressure industries, but the problem is even if  large pressure of executives, it still cannot be handled by suicide; Because life is precious, and large enterprise executives are also wage earners one, even if the worst way is " shift to greener pastures" How to achieve work-life balance,it  is needed to learn the art of life.



壓力超大 逼死高管

近日瑞士相繼傳來訃聞,有兩位瑞士公司高層懷疑自殺,先是瑞士最大電話公司 Swisscom 的行政總裁、49歲的 Carsten Schloter,之後就是蘇黎世保險的財務總監沃蒂耶 (Pierre Wauthier),後者還有後續發展。

蘇黎世保險主席阿克曼 (Josef Ackermann),竟然因為今次沃蒂耶自殺一事而辭職,即日生效。阿克曼表示,沃蒂耶家人認為他需要為悲劇負上責任,就算毫無根據,為免損害企業聲譽,所以仍決定辭職。集團主席一職,將由副主席斯旺 (Tom de Swaan) 接替。

沃蒂耶星期一被發現倒斃家中,終年 53 歲,警察表示沒跡象顯示有第三方涉及沃蒂耶的死,所以列作自殺案處理。然而,主席堅持為下屬的自殺而辭呈,反而更讓人感到耐人尋味。阿克曼沒解釋財監家屬對其指控的詳情,而市場就傳沃蒂耶留有一封遺書。信中提及阿克曼為了挽回投資者對集團的信心,舉行了電話會議。傳媒引述沃蒂耶遺孀,指控主席阿克曼不斷向其丈夫施壓,要求他想辦法令股價上升,最終逼使他自尋短見。

事件顯露出,瑞士公司高層的確並不易做,只是表面風光,實際上承受許多不為人知的壓力。結果財監自殺、主席辭職、 這樣的高層變動,令蘇黎世保險股價連跌多日,名副其實的弄巧反拙。

阿克曼在任時被指要求太過苛刻,其實去年 3 月走馬上任行政總裁之初,已有報導指他會為公司帶黎震盪。阿克曼今年 65 歲,兼任殼牌 (Shell)、西門子 (Siemens)、Investor AB 等多家企業的董事;之前十年他任職於德意志銀行,是少數經歷了金融海嘯仍成功保留職位的高管,出了名要求高。

然而,有要求的他卻不見得特別受投資者歡迎。因為集團在 8 月剛公布的業績,令市場失望,第二季盈利跌 18%,表現差過其他歐洲同業,歸根究底是公司業務過度倚重美國市場,而美國過去一季發生自然災害(例如龍捲風)致令賠償增加。其實,自然災害是人力所不能駕馭的,所以工作表現不應過分與股價掛?(反而盈利則應該與股價掛?,因而有市盈率之參考價值)。

金融業毋庸置疑是屬於壓力超大的行業,但問題在於高管的壓力即使如何之大,仍不應以自殺方式處理;因為生命寶貴,大型企業的高管都是打工仔一名,正所謂「東家唔打打西家」,如何達致工作生活平衡 (work-life balance),才是人生要學習的藝術。



