2013年9月24日 星期二

Apple, after the era of Steve Jobs

Apple, after the era of Steve Jobs
23 September 2013

(Translation version)
Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)

Ever since Steve Jobs passed away, the market has been criticism in successor Tim Cook that he is not enough creativity, it caused Apple's stock price tumbled. Sometimes thunder without both of Apple's flagship product, iPhone, is also no longer the sole focus of the smart phone.

Steve Jobs , technology genius,  has always been an ability to change the game rules of the world, so, now, Apples's problem is not from Cook. whether the decline of the Apple brand will be real or not, the key is a set of strategies for sustainable development. Although Steve Jobs had introduced new stuff constantly and leading technological trends, But the problem is that he did not put the enterprise sustainable development into standardization. Simply speaking , the development of the company entirely based on his personal views, so when Steve Jobs disappeared , Apple becomes leaderless group without Systematic operation.

Recently, the focus of Apple's three main characters : Cook , chief designer Jonathan Ive and Senior vice president of software engineering Craig Federighi, takes the initiative in an interview , Seems to want to let the market to re-recognize the value of Apple .

Apple products have always been high-end market, customer layer is relatively narrow , Unless it has introduced a revolutionary product, it would be difficult to achieve in quantity to win. In the smart phone market, for example, many experts believe that Apple should consider launching a lower-end products, targeting different consumer groups. However, in the interview, Cook said assertions about the possibility of exclusion. Cook believes that although high-end and low-end smart phone market of similar size, but Apple will stick to the high road. It is also regarded as Steve Jobs, who has always been loyal to the pursuit of perfection, refusing "to low quality for low price" style.

For the criticism that Apple is too slow to introduce new products, and let Samsung and other electronics brands take advantage from it, it caused Apple losing customers. Feideliji countered that "New is easy, right is hard", Ironically Samsung products cast by stoning forest ridiculous, highlighting Apple will launch the market really needs.

Cook also tried to change the market view, they always thought that Apple iOS market share is less than Google Android operating system, he is emphasizing that the products 'usage', comparing to general market representing "sales" assess market share, is more valuable (because the iOS operating system usage is up to 55% while Android is only 28%). In addition, in Tablet PC market, online shopping is almost monopolized using iPad in the U.S. market. Furthermore, support for iOS App revenue is much more than the support for Android App (even Android App downloads far more than Apple). Cook would like to take evidence that only Apple's products have the ability to call consumers pocket.

In addition, Apple executives believe that, refer to the users, smart phones operating system often in the latest version is very important. In fact, many users criticized, even if they purchase the newest models handset of Android operating system, but its built-in system is still the old version, and it also cannot be updated, it is frustrating. Android flaunt that it is flourishing commercial benefits people with different needs; However, Apple believes that this will make a lot of sacrifices to share the same platform with a user business value derived.

Steve Jobs has become legendary, Apple successors resolutely take the "high, specialized, sophisticated" way (ie, high-grade, specialized, sophisticated), the first bargain (Price), revisit the volume (Volume), it causes Apple's future development would be logical, Needless picky.


Written by 王冠一

自從喬布斯 (Steve Jobs) 過身之後,市場一直有意見批評繼任人庫克 (Tim Cook) 不夠創意,弄致蘋果公司股價大跌。一時風頭無倆的蘋果旗艦產品 iPhone,亦不再是智能手機的唯一焦點。


近日蘋果三大重心人物:庫克、首席設計師埃維 (Jonathan Ive) 與軟件工程高級副總裁費德里吉 (Craig Federighi),主動接受專訪,似乎希望讓市場重新認清蘋果公司的價值。


對於有批評指蘋果推出新款產品的速度太慢,讓三星等電子品牌有機可乘,流失客戶。 費德里吉反駁,認為 New is easy, right is hard,借諷刺三星產品亂石投林的可笑,凸顯蘋果才會推出市場真正需要的產品。

庫克亦嘗試改變市場一貫以為蘋果 iOS 操作系統市佔率不及 Google Android 的看法,強調產品的「使用量」,較市場一般以「銷售量」評估市佔率更有參考價值(因為 iOS 操作系統的使用量高達 55%,反觀 Android 只有 28%);另外,平板電腦市場中,使用 iPad 網上購物幾乎壟斷了美國市場。再者,支援 iOS 的應用程式 (App) 收入,亦較支援 Android 的 App 為多(即使 Android App 下載量遠超蘋果)。庫克想借此證明,只有蘋果的產品才有能力叫消費者掏腰包。

另外,蘋果高層認為,智能手機作業系統常常處於最新版本,對用家非常重要。其實不少用家批評,即使購買 Android 操作系統的最新機款,其內置的系統版本依然是舊款,且無法更新,令人感到沮喪。Android 標榜這是百花齊放的商業效益,切合不同人士需要;然而,蘋果則認為這樣會犧牲讓大量用家共用同一作業平台所衍生的商業價值。

喬布斯已成為一代傳奇,蘋果接班人堅決走「高、專、精」路線(即高檔、專門、精巧),先講價 (Price),再講量 (Volume),對蘋果公司今後的發展實在合情合理,毋庸挑剔。


