2013年9月15日 星期日

Automobile sale positive cycle in US

Automobile sale positive cycle in US

06 September 2013

(Translation version)
Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)

 American newest announcement in August auto sale data, is much better.Regardless of is the US territory or the overseas import automobile brand, majority of all records the two-position digital rise, imports the vehicle to account for the overall sales volume proportion even to surpass one half.

In August US equals the new vehicle which sells, compared the same time last year to increase 17%, altogether sold 150 ten thousand (to total approximately by year rate sells surpasses 1,600 ten thousand vehicles), some research calculation, estimated was equal 7.5% has the driver's license national in the entire America, has purchased the new vehicle in August.Formerly the American economy truly recovered, had the car license to buy the new vehicle the national proportion, usually achieved above 8%.Therefore, has the expert to infer, so long as the American economy has not had has the significant reversal, believed the national buys the vehicle the power to be supposed to be possible to continue many several years.

The American economy resembles non-well, still can attract the national to purchase the new vehicle or the used car in this way exchanges, mainly many reason influence.First, the American consumers hug are hurrying to catch the low interest tail bus service the point of view, worried the interest rate soon rises again, therefore quickly changes vehicle or buys the vehicle.Next, rents a car the proportion also has the trend of escalation; Before economic recession, US national's average rents a car rate only 16%, but this year rents a car accounts for the new vehicle sale proportion to rise to 26%.Because renting a car trades the new style regularly, leads new Che Xiaoqing naturally.

Moreover, the cable car tidal current gradually makes a name, Shan Ji in August, the entire America then sells surpasses 1 ten thousand cable cars.In multitudinous brands, when most strikes the eye by person with newly acquired wealth Tesla.Although Tesla has not had the numeral which confession in August the new vehicle sells, but the group passes several month average each month in the North America area to sell 1,500 to 2,000 new style cable cars.As for other cart yard for example daily production Leaf, general chevrolet Volt, Toyota Prius, the sale all has leaps forward.

Except for this, the US national massive home use used cars and Pickup Trucks (small shipment truck) of age retires one after another, breeds formidable changes vehicle the demand; Just happens to meet US to receive the vehicle brisk trade, has a vehicle race used car to exchange the vehicle meaning to be naturally more intense.But grows day by day along with the US territory oil gas output, the gas price continues to recede the trust to be able to be the major tendency, is like this also helpful to encourage the national to restore the dependence to use the vehicle gradually the custom.

Actually, the American new vehicle sale data approaches well, to the American economic resurgence is a positive cycle.Because of the US territory automobile brand sale, meant the retail sales sale data makes, the national expends cares for exuberantly.The cart yard aspect is willing to invest naturally increases production, the employment advertise increases, the worker then has the labor to open, further leads the expense.When the employment and the manufacturing industry data improve in pairs, the American economy only then is considered as on advances to road of truly the anabiosis.

汽車熱賣 良性循環

Written by 王冠一

美國最新公布的 8 月份汽車銷售數據,好得令人難以置信。無論是美國本土還是海外進口汽車品牌,大部分皆錄得雙位數字升幅,進口車佔整體銷量比重甚至超過一半。

8 月份美國合計賣出的新車,較去年同期增加 17%,共賣出約 150 萬輛(以年率計共賣出超過 1,600 萬輛車),有研究推算,估計相當於全美 7.5% 擁有駕駛執照的國民,在 8 月份購買了新車。以往美國經濟真正復蘇的時候,擁有車牌而買新車的國民比例,通常達到 8% 以上。因此,有專家推斷,只要美國經濟未有發生重大逆轉,相信國民買車的動力應該可以持續多幾年。

美國經濟似好非好,依然能夠如斯吸引國民購買新車或舊車換新,主要受多個原因影響。首先,美國消費者抱著趕搭低息尾班車的心態,擔心息率即將回升,於是趕快換車或買車。其次,租車的比例亦有上升趨勢;經濟衰退之前,美國國民的平均租車率僅 16%,但今年租車佔新車銷售比例升至 26%。由於租車者定期換新款,自然帶動新車銷情。

另外,電車潮流漸成氣候,單計 8 月份,全美便賣出超過 1 萬輛電車。眾多品牌之中,當以新貴 Tesla 最為觸目。雖然 Tesla 未有交代 8 月份新車銷售的數字,但集團在北美地區過去幾個月平均每月售出 1,500 至 2,000 輛新款電車。至於其他車廠例如日產的 Leaf、通用雪佛蘭的 Volt、豐田 Prius,銷售皆有躍進。

除此以外,美國國民大量家用舊車與 Pickup Trucks(小型載貨卡車)陸續適齡退役,孕育強大的換車需求;適逢美國收車市場活躍,有車一族舊車換新車的意慾自然更強烈。而隨著美國本土油氣產量與日俱增,汽油價格持續回落相信會是大趨勢,這樣亦有助鼓勵國民逐步恢復依賴用車的習慣。



