2013年9月23日 星期一

Google Apple executives cooperation

Google Apple executives cooperation
20 September 2013

(Translation version)
Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)

Google CEO Larry Page recently personally announced that he  will coopearte with Apple Chairman Arthur Levinson to set up a new personal care company, they hope to help mankind to explore the secrets of longevity . Google and Apple are competitors in the business , they actually go together to have high-level cooperation , it is interesting .

The new company is named Calico, mainly to study the anti-aging and related diseases , including cancer ; while the Chief Executive Officer , will be appointed to Arthur Levinson .

Arthur had served as former board member of Google and he is concurrently the biotechnology company Genentech and Apple's Chairman of the Board . Interestingly , Google and Apple are very supportive Arthur as the new company CEO. Page is leading scientists to describe Arthur ; Apple CEO Tim Cook  also cited the words of Arthur that around family and friends should not be shortened lifespan due to illness , but should try to live better .

In fact , as early as Arthur , before, the current Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt also has the same time to " step " through Google and Apple two " boats " , so Arthur's case is not particularly abnormal . In 2006, Schmidt also titled as Apple's board of director and Google chief executive at the same time, subsequently due to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) questioned the practice of breach of competition law , finally Schmidt left Apple in 2009 .

Google and Apple are now actively developing portable running devices, those electronic devices will be associated with the health care business . Therefore , Arthur could eventually be challenged identity conflicts of interest exist and need to resign Calico posts. However, I believe that, the final fate of Arthur 's personnel depends on some special ideas from the government and related departments .

Calico belong biotechnology company , with Google and Apple's general business , almost nearly none . Page also admitted that the new company is actually deviated from the Group's established businesses. However, such investments compared with the Group's core business , accounting for only a small part of outsiders without fuss.

Page to Moonshot ( moon ) behavior described this initiative, the long-term hope to improve millions of lives. While Google has yet to formulate Calico business details, but told that they would take advantage of Google's data processing techniques to assist in research and development deal with the aging disease.

Google has been towards diversified development , in addition to the core of the online business, these years of research and development projects focused on including renewable energy, smart grid , Google Glass, automatic car ( ie driverless car ) and so on. I believe in the near future , Calico will bring us another surprise.

谷歌蘋果 高層合作

Written by 王冠一

Google 行政總裁佩奇 (Larry Page) 日前親自宣布,將與蘋果公司主席 Arthur Levinson,合作經營一間全新成立的個人護理公司,希望幫人類探尋到延年益壽的秘方。Google 與蘋果在生意上是競爭對手,兩者高層竟走在一起合作,饒有趣味。

新公司名為 Calico,主要研究有關延緩衰老及相關疾病,包括癌症;而行政總裁一職,將由 Arthur Levinson 出任。

Arthur 曾經出任 Google 前董事會成員,並同時兼任生物科技公司 Genentech 及蘋果公司的董事會主席。有趣的是,Google 與蘋果均十分支持 Arthur 出任新公司 CEO。佩奇形容 Arthur 是領先的科學家;蘋果行政總裁庫克 (Tim Cook) 亦引述 Arthur 的話,認為身邊家人與朋友,不應該因疾病而縮短壽命,反而應該設法活得更好。

其實,早在 Arthur 之前,現任 Google 執行主席斯密特 (Eric Schmidt) 亦曾經同一時間「踏」過 Google 與蘋果公司這「兩條船」,所以 Arthur 的情況不算特別異常。斯密特 2006 年甚至同時擔任蘋果董事會成員,兼 Google 行政總裁,其後因聯邦貿易委員會 (FTC) 質疑做法違反競爭法,最後斯密特於 2009 年離開蘋果。

目前 Google 與蘋果皆積極研發手提跑步器,這些電子設備便跟健康護理生意有關聯。因此,Arthur 最終有可能被質疑身分存在利益衝突而需要辭去 Calico 的職位。然而,最終 Arthur 的人事去留,相信反而要視乎政府與相關部門一些特別的想法。

Calico 屬於生物科技公司,跟 Google 及蘋果的一般業務,幾乎亳無關係。佩奇亦承認,新公司其實偏離了集團固有的業務。不過,這類投資跟集團核心業務相比,只佔一小部分,外界人士毋須大驚小怪。

佩奇以 Moonshot(登月)行為形容今次的創舉,長遠希望可以改善數以百萬計的生命。雖然 Google 目前尚未制訂 Calico 經營的細節,但據聞會利用 Google 的數據處理技術,協助研發應對老化疾病的方法。

Google 一直朝多元發展,除了核心的網上業務之外,幾年重點的研發項目包括再生能源、智能電網、Google Glass、自動車(即無人駕駛汽車)等。相信不久的將來,Calico 將為我們帶來另一次驚喜。


