2013年9月25日 星期三

Abe promotes female employment

Abe promotes female employment
23 September 2013

(Translation version)
Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)

The so-called "Abenomics", is inseparable from the concept of economic that reforms hastening inflation, improved fiscal and stimulate growth of several major goals. Monetary and fiscal policies pronged mention, Abe also proposed various enterprise reform and taxation reform, in order to enhance the overall competitiveness of Japanese companies as the major premise.

As more Abenomics reforms tricks will be coming soon. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy daughter Carol Lin, is expected to become the first female of U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Japanese people have always worshiped foreign charismatic figure, the late British Princess Diana's clothing store, it was once a Japanese women's trend indicators ; Today Carol Lin extraordinary charm of visiting Japan, I believe that certainly will not miss as Abe policy advocacy opportunities, promotion of female employment benefits of the economic recovery,

In fact, in recent years, Continental Europe and the UK have begun to promote and increase of women in senior management positions in companies in proportion to encourage more women to work, it is used to enhance the country's overall productivity. Japan's late start in this respect, As the words " men outside, women inside " traditional culture in Japan, the difficulty of policy implementation is comparative higher,

Japan's aging and declining fertility problem are serious, it is leading to shrinking labor force, it also means that Japan government support of national spending is getting bigger, but the national productivity is deteriorating. To break this deadlock,at this moment, to encourage fertility is too slow also, so it is better to allow more highly educated women to join into workforce.

Abe is concerned, to promote female employment, both to help stimulate the economy, but also help to improve inflation. This is not difficult to understand, because,  according to statistics, the average spending power of Japanese women is higher than the average male citizens. when women have jobs, their disposable income increase, the consumer spending will also be increased.

Studies have estimated that if Japan's female employment rate increase to Group of Seven (G7) level, Japan's per capita GDP can be upgraded 4-5 percentage points ; Japan's total GDP is expected to swell by 14%.

Promote female employment also help to improve Japan's government finances, if the government wants to raise up revenue, they either raise taxes rate or they try to get more people fall into the tax net. The encourage of more women to join the workforce, in fact, it helps to raise up revenue, thereby improving fiscal situation.

It is said that Abe is ready a series of recommendations to encourage women to join the workforce, and in 2020 as the goal, including: - equal pay - corporate senior management positions, the proportion of women at least 30% - at least every company to employ a female administrative staff - increase allocate public resources daytime baby care, so that mothers can rest assured to work - to extend maternity leave from the current one year to three years, in order to encourage serving female fertility.

Because, In Japan, if there are two adults working in family, the family will be levied heavy taxes, plus imports FDH laws are too stringent, resulting in Japanese women, selection between full-time work and full-time mother, they can only choose one. According to statistics, up to 70 % of Japanese women, when they will become mother soon, they quit their jobs immediately, it caused the result of social appeared to two extremes: women working full-time, low fertility, and when the mother takes care baby, they are too busy and they will not be reintegration work.

If Carol Lin smoothly goto Japan assume office, I believe that Japanese media will be attentively to put her playing as new generation of career woman model. We 'll see !

安倍提倡 女性就業

Written by 王冠一





對安倍來講,提倡女性就業,既有助刺激經濟,亦有助改善通脹。這方面不難理解,因為根據統計,日本女性的平均消費力,要比一般男性國民為高。而當女性擁有工作,可支配收入 (Disposable Income) 增加,消費開支亦隨之增加。

有研究估計,假如日本女性就業率能夠提升至七大工業國 (G7) 水平,日本的人均GDP便可以提升 4 至 5 個百分點;日本 GDP 總值則有望膨脹 14%。


據聞安倍已準備好一系列鼓勵女性投身工作的建議,並以2020年為目標,包括: - 男女同工同酬 - 企業高級管理職位,女性比例至少 30% - 每家企業至少聘請一名女性行政人員 - 增撥公營日間嬰兒護理資源,讓媽媽可以放心工作 - 延長產假,由目前1年,延長至3年,以鼓勵在職女性生育

由於日本家庭假如有兩人工作便要抽重稅,加上進口外傭法例過嚴,導致日本女性往往只能在全職工作與全職媽媽之間任擇其一。據統計,高達 70% 的日本女性在當上媽媽之後便立即辭去工作,結果社會出現兩個極端:全職工作的女性,生育率偏低,而當媽媽的,則分身不暇,無法重返社會工作。



