2013年10月14日 星期一

Privacy profit, gray area

Privacy profit, gray area

15 October 2013
(Translation version)
Written by 王冠一 (http://www.wongsir.com.hk)

Dot com companies involved in the advertising industry and then offer new initiatives . I still remember that half a year ago , the famous photo-sharing app Instagram suddenly modify user privacy protocol to the company in the future and even the right to user's photo phase portrait, as an advertising photo sold to make money, the arrangement immediately aroused great resentment users that Instagram flagrant violation of the copyright , and user indignant results Instagram concessions recover those sell programs.

This use of customer information advertising revenue business model has become increasingly common in the dot com industry , recently, even Google has started to encroach that. Google intends to use its Google Plus, YouTube and other platforms to identify more advertising opportunities , the specific approach is: If a user on Google's platform , for certain goods or services proposed evaluation (Ratings) as well as comment (Comments), when the related goods or services in Google paid advertising , then the proposed evaluations or reviews of the user on Google Plus account link all the other friends , they will receive relevant ads. , and even wrote a review of the user's personal photos, it may also appear in the ad being to enhance intimacy and persuasive advertising . The arrangement will come into effect on November 11 .

For example say , if someone in Google Plus Blog on Samsung Galaxy Gear with positive comments, when Samsung Google advertisement about the product , those persons in Google Plus friends , will also be received a evaluation of the person portrait product advertising and even individuals .

This arrangement makes a lot of people find objectionable , because it is making a goods or services for no reason to do endorsements, but Google or advertisers does not offer any reimbursement (Consideration). Google has recently started asking Google Plus users authorize the arrangements. But this authorization, in fact, is not appropriate , unless future Google promised to use users' personal information for advertising purposes before they get the user to confirm the approval, and also sharing arrangement , otherwise, the user should not be free to grant Google the right to use of personal data .

In fact, in addition to Instagram and Google , Facebook also tried to launched similar advertising model earlier ( known as Sponsored Stories): Facebook was using the user information for an ads. click " Like " number , as the assessment of how much to charge advertisers standards, but the user did not choose this arrangement right . Results that all against users in a class action in favor and Facebook needs U.S. $ 20 million compensation .

Internet users who is sharing information and personal opinion, they should be careful that their information are not to be easily for dot com companies to use their personal information to make money.


科網公司涉足廣告業再獻新猷。猶記得大半年前,著名照片分享應用程式 Instagram 突然修改用戶私隱協議,以便公司日後有權把用戶的照片甚至相中肖像,作為廣告照片出售賺錢,有關安排立即惹來用戶極大反感,認為 Instagram 公然侵犯版權,最終因為群情洶湧,結果 Instagram 讓步,收回賣相計劃。

這種利用客戶資訊來找廣告收入的經營模式,在科網界愈來愈普遍,最近連 Google 亦開始染指。Google 打算利用旗下 Google Plus、YouTube 等平台物色更多廣告機會,具體做法是:假如有用戶在 Google 的平台,對某些商品或服務提出評價 (Ratings) 以至評語 (Comments),當相關商品或服務在 Google 付費登廣告時,那麼提出過評價或評語的用戶,他們在 Google Plus 帳戶連結下的所有其他好友,將會全部收到相關廣告,甚至連寫過評語的用戶個人照片,也可能出現在廣告之中,以加強廣告的親切感與說服力。有關安排,將會自 11 月 11 日起生效。

舉例講,假如某人在 Google Plus 網誌上,正面評價過三星 Galaxy Gear 該款產品,日後當三星在 Google 登有關於該產品的廣告時,該人士在 Google Plus 的好友,就會全部收到有該人評價甚至個人肖像的產品廣告。

這種安排令不少人覺得反感,因為無緣無故為某商品或服務做了代言,但 Google 或廣告商竟然對當時人完全沒有提供任何償付 (Consideration)。Google 近日已開始要求 Google Plus 用戶,授權有關安排。但這種要求其實並不恰當,除非日後 Google 承諾日後使用用戶個人資訊作廣告用途之前,每次都先得到用戶確認批准,而且有分帳安排,否則用戶不應隨意授權 Google 使用個人資料的權利。

事實上,除了 Instagram 與 Google 之外,早前 Facebook 也試過推行類似的廣告模式(稱為 Sponsored Stories):Facebook利用用戶對某廣告資訊按「Like」的數量,作為對廣告商收費多少的評估準則,但用戶對此安排完全沒有選擇的權利。結果反對的用戶在集體訴訟中勝訴,最終 Facebook 需要賠償 2,000 萬美元。



